Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Can't launch emulator AVD in eclipse cause No Target Selected

Today, i'm coding on my eclipse workspace but something wrong because when i'm create android emulator 4.1 in AVD isn't working, i'm confusing about this, i see a error message "No Target Selected" i have changed target but no effect. But finally i can solved it ^_^ ok check this out...

when you have a problem same with me, because of "You don't install CPU System Images. for example: ARM EABI v7a System Image" and then i installing a cpu system image on sdk manager. I'm click the icon Android SDK manager on toolbar and i go to Android 4.1.2 API Level 16 and i checklist a cpu system image for download and installing it.

and finally, i can to create a android emulator 4.1 :D don't you believe me? let's try it's your home and see the magic :v ckckck.... i hope this can help you to solve your problems #keep coding programmer ;)

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